The Brand Package

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The Brand Package

Our custom brand package is built for wedding pros + creative business owners who are looking for clarity and confidence in their marketing.

Kelly Ryann Co. focuses on two main things: driving traffic, and converting it. And having a solid brand that is built on a comprehensive strategy is the first step to accomplishing either. Branding isn’t magic, but it does clarify your message, help you understand your unique selling point, and guide your marketing efforts… so it is pretty close to feeling magical.

Brand Package Includes:

  • Full Logo Kit: with custom designed logos
  • Branded Color Palette + Typography Suite: for recognizable results
  • Brand Strategy: a 90-minute call covering all aspects of your brand and how it will drive your marketing
  • Marketing Collateral: From Instagram Templates to Welcome Guides, we will update your brand materials with your new look

Custom Illustrations available for add-on

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