Semi-Custom Brand Kits

10 days Delivery
Semi-Custom Brand Kits

Premium semi-custom brands
Transform your business – in just 10 days!

Take your business from dream to full-fledged brand. Finally have that fully professional logo and branding assets to empower you through the next phase of business.

These brands are pre-designed and ready for purchase today, customised to your business name, colour choice and tagline!

Our fully professional, semi-custom packages typically include:
Primary logo (customisable)
Secondary logos (customisable)
Icon/Logomark and Wordmarks (customisable)
Brand Pattern/Backgrounds or Illustrations
Custom Personalised Brand Tagline graphic
All logo files in multiple formats for print and web
Typography and expert font pairing
Colour specs and codes
Personal Brand Style Guide
Curated collection of 12 royalty free images
BONUSES: Logo and Graphics usage guide AND Signature Launch Resources Pack

✔️ALL-YOURS – Your branding package is customised with your company name, tagline, and even colours if you choose. Each brand is limited edition and sold only a few times so they are unique and truly stand out.
✔️SPEEDY – Launch in days, not weeks. Ready in just 10 days to get you all set for that champagne-pop (not to mention the pride-boost and smiles of empowerment) as fast as possible.
✔️COST EFFECTIVE – Semi-custom brands are just a fraction of the cost of a fully custom brand. If you aren’t quite ready to invest in brand strategy or fully-custom branding, these are the perfect solution.
✔️PREMIUM & PRO – I’ve designed hundreds of brands over the last 25 years. You’re partnering with an expert. These brands are comprehensive with all the bells and whistles. You don’t just get a logo, you get an entire cohesive brand.

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