Sales Page Copywriting

2 weeks Delivery
Payment Plan Avaliable

Perfect for you if you are a creative or coach preparing to launch your course or signature coaching program.

When your ideal customer land on your sales page, I make sure the copy makes them feel inspired by where you can take them.

Understanding the psychological behaviour of your customers, their voice vibe and where your offer stands in marketplace. My market research includes all these aspects.

The deliverables include:

  • Personalised offer questionnaire
  • Sales Page Strategy call
  • In-depth Ideal client persona creation
  • Voice of customer creation
  • SEO implementation (if it’s an evergreen sales page)
  • Collaboration with your designer so that the copy’s placed properly and your sales page is launch-ready
  • Up to 3 revision rounds and support during launch period.

Valuable add-ons:

  • Promotional emails for your launch offer

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