Fully custom 5 page Showit website

3 weeks Delivery
Payment Plan Avaliable

A unique and beautiful fully custom website for your brand. (Hand-crafted with no templates – no ho-hum, cookie-cutter websites here!)

– Includes 5 pages, which we can finalise later. Recommended: Home, About, Services, Contact (with contact form), Booking or Sales page.
– Includes up to 600 words and 12 images on each page. (More can be added at hourly rate)
– Includes my website content creation guide to help you craft your perfect content and imagery
– Includes up to 2x 1hr Zoom meetings at any point to discuss anything regarding the site build.
– Includes a 45-min tutorial over Zoom (recorded so you can reference later) on how to manage and make changes to your site.

Team this up with a fully professional branding package from Studio 8 for a match made in heaven!

Note: prices average at $5000 for a 5 page site, but other pages can be added for approx. $1000/page extra. Each client and case is different so please contact me to discuss your particular website goals.

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