Messaging Strategy & Website Copywriting

4 weeks Delivery
Payment Plan Avaliable

Perfect for you if you are a service-based or creative entrepreneur looking to grow your business with an SEO-driven and strategic website copy.

With my thorough conversion copywriting process, we will together start with a personalised brand questionnaire & copy strategy call.

The deliverables include:

  • Brand Messaging Guide – an easy-to-follow guide about your brand voice, brand positioning, messaging frameworks, ideal client creation and clarity in your market standing.
  • In-depth market research
  • Up to 5 pages of website copy
  • Additional micro copy (like email opt-in, footer and more)
  • SEO best practices (Target and semantic keyword research, title tags, meta descriptions, alt text and keyword mapping)
  • Wireframe in google doc/ Collaboration with your designer
  • Revision rounds – until you feel confident in your copy


  • Long-form SEO blog posts
  • Funnel email sequences (For freebie)
  • Additional web pages (if needed)

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