Custom Brand + Showit Website Design

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Custom Brand + Showit Website Design Custom Brand + Showit Website Design Custom Brand + Showit Website Design Custom Brand + Showit Website Design Custom Brand + Showit Website Design Custom Brand + Showit Website Design Custom Brand + Showit Website Design Custom Brand + Showit Website Design Custom Brand + Showit Website Design

Ready to elevate your business with a cohesive brand and stunning website? Our custom brand strategy, design, and website package is the ultimate solution for creative entrepreneurs looking to make a lasting impression. Includes:

Brand Strategy:
• Brand Questionnaire
• Dream Client Analysis
• Competitor Analysis
• Audience Psychographics
• Brand Values, Mission & Purpose

Brand Design:
• Primary & Secondary Logos
• Brand Marks or Iconography
• Patterns and/or Textures
• Color Palette & Typography
• Brand Style Guide

Showit Website Design:
• 5 Page Website Design
• WordPress Blog Design
• Single-Post Page Design
• IG Landing Page
• Coming Soon Page

Search Engine Optimization:
• Keyword research
• Competitor analysis
• Personalized page titles and descriptions
• Image renaming
• On-site SEO optimization strategy

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