Custom Brand & Showit Site Package

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Custom Brand & Showit Site Package Custom Brand & Showit Site Package Custom Brand & Showit Site Package Custom Brand & Showit Site Package Custom Brand & Showit Site Package Custom Brand & Showit Site Package Custom Brand & Showit Site Package Custom Brand & Showit Site Package Custom Brand & Showit Site Package

Time to think bigger! Elevate your brand with everything from my Custom Brand Identity package, plus a stunning website you are proud of.

What you’ll walk away with:

– Comprehensive brand strategy development to ensure your brand aligns with your vision and speaks to your ideal clients.
– A full suite of logos (primary, alternate, and submark) to give you versatility and a strong visual identity across all platforms.
– Custom brand pattern, color palette, and typeface pairings to create a unique aesthetic that’s all you.
– Stock image curation (if needed) to enhance your brand’s visual storytelling.
– A detailed multi-page Brand Guide, so you’ll always know how to use your brand elements effectively.
– Two bespoke collateral items of your choice to complement your brand’s physical presence.
– Custom announcement posts for your socials to show off your new look with a bang!

– A stunning, up-to-9-page custom Showit website that’s responsive for both desktop and mobile, ensuring a seamless user experience.
– Essential add-ons like a 404 page, legal pages, and a ‘coming soon’ page.
– A helpful website management training video, making it easy to keep your site fresh and updated.
– Two weeks of startup support post-launch, so you’re never alone in this new phase.

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