Custom Brand Identity Package

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Custom Brand Identity Package Custom Brand Identity Package Custom Brand Identity Package Custom Brand Identity Package Custom Brand Identity Package Custom Brand Identity Package Custom Brand Identity Package Custom Brand Identity Package

Ready for a brand that tells your story? My Custom Brand Identity package is perfect for you!

What you’ll walk away with:
– Comprehensive brand strategy development to ensure your brand aligns with your vision and speaks to your ideal clients.
– A full suite of logos (primary, alternate, and submark) to give you versatility and a strong visual identity across all platforms.
– Custom brand pattern, color palette, and typeface pairings to create a unique aesthetic that’s all you.
– Stock image curation (if needed) to enhance your brand’s visual storytelling.
– A detailed multi-page Brand Guide, so you’ll always know how to use your brand elements effectively.
– Two bespoke collateral items of your choice to complement your brand’s physical presence.
– Custom announcement posts for your socials to show off your new look with a bang!

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