Brand Strategy - Comprehensive

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Brand Strategy - Comprehensive

Brand Strategy goes far beyond choosing colours and fonts that your customers respond to, it is about solving actual problems, relieving stress points, and looking at strategies that will align you not only to your perfect customers but to a greater sense of ease and clarity in what you do.

Our brand strategy process starts with a strategy workshop together (over Zoom). The session allows you to hit pause and take a step back so you can propel forward (think of it like a slingshot). It is so valuable to take some time to pull yourself back and take time to re-evaluate and re-visit the “why’s” and “how’s” of your business. It will amplify all of your efforts going forward. We do this in an exciting, insightful and effective way together.

If you are entering a new phase of business, have been in business for 2-4 years or are offering new services, evaluating your brand strategy is invaluable.

Not only does this process allow you to gain better (and more soul-filling) sales, it means that you’ll slide into your next phase of business with an empowering sense of clarity, purpose and direction. You are given a stunning and powerful Brand Roadmap document which gives you recommendations for the future of your branding and your business. Imagine yourself supremely confident that every part of your branding, marketing and sales process was perfectly in place.

Who is brand strategy for:
✔️If you’ve been in business for three-five years since initially branding or rebranding. It’s great to re-evaluate here.
✔️If you feel muddled or messy about the direction you are headed and how to to it with efficiency, ease and purpose.
✔️If you’ve changed your services, your ideal customer or your products, it’s a good idea to re-align your brand.

What we do:

⭐ STAGE 1 – Collaborative workshop – 3-4 hours (1-2 sessions)

Below is a rough outline of what we may cover, depending on what will be most helpful to you. You will have the ability to choose beforehand the areas you’d like most focus on. The average workshop time is 3-4 hours:

✔️Intro & Goals: we will briefly talk about what brand strategy is, how it can help and dive into an overview of your business goals, problems, future plans, pain points. and our goals and intentions for the Brand Strategy process.

✔️Brand Heart: We will go through questions and exercises about your business. We get to the “why” of your business (the heart), attributes, market analysis and pinpoint your audience. Next we get clear about goals for visibility, business and efficiency and discover where your energy and time is best spent.

✔️Audience: We fine-tune your ideal customer avatar, and clarify the needs, desires and expectations of your audience to guide them into feeling comfortable and excited to work with you. We will also look at competitor/peer analysis and find your specific niche in the market.

✔️Customer Journey: focus on customer experience – we look at each stage of the customer journey, from discovery to post-working with you. We identify gaps and areas to improve. How do we connect an on-brand experience to each phase and create raving fans of what you offer?

✔️Value and Productivity: we go through what is really moving the needle for you – where is your time and energy best spent. We look at goals for income streams, visibility and efficiency. How can you decide where is best to put your energy and what to remove from your task list?

✔️Wrap up & Questions

✔️Extra: Additionally we can develop or refine a mission statement, vision statement and brand positioning statement

⭐ STAGE 2 – Research & Reflection:

After the workshop I begin my own research, identifying where things align and overlap, where things are working and where things could be improved. I delve more into identifying your niche in the current market and how to use your unique style to stand out from how “everyone else” is doing it.

⭐STAGE 3 – Solutions:

Your Brand Roadmap:

I create a documented plan for success, a Brand Roadmap. This document will be 40-45 pages of valuable information, including a consolidation of our workshop, my research, and recommendations for implementation. You end up with a concise roadmap of how to move forward knowing that you are reaching your ideal market in a way that feels good for you both. This becomes an invaluable document to show your entire team. I will also then use this strategic plan to inform the branding (and other) design to ensure that we are solving real problems and working toward your business goals.

Interested in finding out more about how my Brand Strategy process can help your growing business? Get in touch!

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