Brand VIP Day

1 Day Delivery
Payment Plan Avaliable
Brand VIP Day Brand VIP Day Brand VIP Day Brand VIP Day Brand VIP Day Brand VIP Day Brand VIP Day Brand VIP Day Brand VIP Day Brand VIP Day

VIP Brand Day Includes:
Brand Questionnaire + Pinterest Board Curation
Mood Board
Custom Color Palette
Brand Font Selection
Main Logo
Secondary Logo
Brand Mark
Mini Brand Guide

All done within a day with 1 revision available that day. Your files are delivered within 24 hours of completion in all of your brand colors and different file formats. If you prefer more back and forth and extra time for revisions or to think about your brand, we suggest the Brand Package. We do work with you prior to your VIP Day to get down to exactly what you’re wanting/needing for your brand with some pre-work so you can be comfortable knowing when we start your VIP Day you’re sure to love your brand!

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