Custom Brand Identity Design (Earthy Yet Sophisticated)

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Custom Brand Identity Design (Earthy Yet Sophisticated) Custom Brand Identity Design (Earthy Yet Sophisticated) Custom Brand Identity Design (Earthy Yet Sophisticated) Custom Brand Identity Design (Earthy Yet Sophisticated) Custom Brand Identity Design (Earthy Yet Sophisticated) Custom Brand Identity Design (Earthy Yet Sophisticated)

Working together on your brand identity design involves a thoughtful and sophisticated approach rooted in brand strategy. We’ll talk together in a brand strategy workshop, establish a creative direction, and then I will send you one fully completed brand identity design concept (this is called The One Concept Method). We’ll revise until it’s perfect, and then I’ll send your final files and brand launch graphics. When it comes to branding for clients, I am most known for adding bespoke hand-drawn touches like illustrations, and helping your unique brand establish a deep, authentic connection with your ideal clients.

What this package includes:
– Research & Strategy
– Brand Strategy Workshop
– Mood Board to Establish Creative Direction
– Primary and Secondary Logos
– Submark and Favicon
– Color Palette
– Brand-Specific Font Selections
– 2-3 High-Res Patterns, Illustrated Elements, or Textures
– Business Card Design for Business Owner
– Brand Launch Graphics
– Brand Guidelines

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