Custom Showit Website Design

3-4 weeks Delivery
Payment Plan Avaliable

We’ll work closely with you to craft a custom website that brings your creative vision to life, reflects your brand essence, and resonates powerfully with your ideal audience.



+ 60-minutes Web Design Strategy Session
+ Mini Brand Identity (colors, fonts, a mood board, and a typography-based logo)
+ Fully Custom 5-Pages, build in Showit (Home, About, Services, Contact & 1 page of your choice + Legal pages)
+ Mobile Optimization
+ 3 Rounds of Revisions
+ SEO Essential Setup
+ Domain Transfer & Connection
+ Third-Party Integrations: Scheduler, Newsletter, etc
+ Tailored Showit Training Video
+ Launch Graphics for Socials
+ 30 days support after project delivery


Optional Add-ons:

+ WordPress Blog Setup
+ Blog pages
+ Sales Pages

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