Website Copywriting

2 Weeks Delivery
Payment Plan Avaliable

If you hit “Publish” on your website when you started your business and have been giving it the side eye ever since, you need a Copywriter on Call.

My website copywriting service takes websites that are image-heavy (sorry, not sorry, but no one’s images “speak for themselves”) and pairs them with word-magic that speaks to your dreamiest clients.

My take on website copy? What people need to know about you as a photographer just can’t be shared through images alone; your website needs to share the experience they’ll enjoy and the care they’ll feel when they’re in front of your camera.

– 1:1 kickoff strategy session, including SEO keyword research and ideal client discovery
– Up to 6 pages of done-for-you website copy and SEO metadata
– Communication with your website designer
– Done-for-you copy placement on your website
– 1:1 project support on Voxer, plus two speedy rounds of revisions

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