Web Copy Audits

3 Days Delivery

A professional review of your DIY web copy, with actionable suggestions + advice you can implement right away. Includes:

– A 60-minute call to discuss your goals and struggles with your copy.
– Mini Brand Messaging Guide: The most important elements from my full Brand Messaging Guide included in web copy projects. It will outline your USP, Ideal Client Persona, and Brand Voice + Tone Guide.
– A Google Doc list of actionable suggestions and general copywriting advice
– A Loom explanation of the suggestions
– 2 Weeks of follow-up email support + an optional call to go over any questions you have
– 10% off a future DFY copy project
– SEO blogs are available to add on at $250/blog. This includes keyword and content strategy, writing, image curation as needed, and formatting + publishing in WordPress.

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