POWERHOUSE "Starter Website-In-A-Day" Design Intensive

3 DAYS Delivery
Payment Plan Avaliable

A fully professional starter site, without the turnaround or investment of a full website design process. 

It is certainly possible to design a small starter website in a day! Your 3-4 page site will include a basic home page, about page, services page and an optional fillable contact form page (all totally on-brand!). I build out both the desktop and mobile versions. This is ideal for people who need to launch quickly and efficiently.

Included in your Powerhouse Site: 

– Welcome Guide
– Personalised Trello Studio Hub Board
– 2 hrs. pre-session work (image and setup work)
- 8 hours of design and development work (including mobile responsive site) on our Powerhouse Day
– 1 hr post-session (connection, testing)
– Touch-base zoom call before the session
- A copy of our Website Content Creation Guide worksheets to help you nail perfect website copy and images.
– Connection of your domain name and security certificate.
– Personal Zoom tutorial (and video recording) to show you how to easily manage and edit your own site.
– Full transfer of all site contents

- 14 days support for post-session questions 

We do all of the design in a day, though the actual process is typically between 2-3 days (with domain connection and Zoom training the day after). 

Your site will be designed in the amazing Showit platform (my favourite!). Your Showit web hosting subscription and domain name purchase is separate and I’ll work with you to set this up before the day. Once the site is built, I will transfer it to you, connect it to your domain name and run you through a training to show you how easy it is to edit and manage yourself!

I’ve designed phenomenal sites in a day, with nothing but amazing reviews. However, let’s be frank, it isn’t for everyone. You will be getting a website unique to you with a quick turnaround. But you are trading speed for the customisation and strategic design that would go into a larger site build. Additionally, sites which include more pages, blogs, sales pages, e-commerce or additional pages are not possible to design in a day. 

My standard custom web design services are typically a 3-5-week turnaround and average $5000-$7000. If you are looking for a custom-built website optimised for growth and conversion, please enquire. If you have a simple site and need it launched quickly, this could be just the right fit (note: we can always add more later!) 

Please let me know if you’d like to see some of the sites I’ve done in a day.

Design intensives require fast feedback. For this reason, this service is may only available be available in Australia/New Zealand (or similar time zones) due to time zone limitations with communication.

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