Curated by Illunis Co. - Semi-Custom Brand Design

2 weeks Delivery

Curated by Illunis Co. is a semi-custom brand design package that takes 4 curated styles that Illunis Co has created/feels inspired by and builds a full brand for your business. This package is best suited for a business owner who is looking to elevate their branding and have structure to their different systems and accounts to create a cohesive and curated brand that speaks to their customers. Once a year, the brand styles change or are updated based on inspiration and interests from the design team with Illunis Co.

Included in the package:
(1) 15 min discovery call
Custom brand questionnaire
Your choice from the semi-custom brand options
(1) 60 min walk through before project start
(3) Brand directionals to choose from
(1) Finalized brand package (40+ page brand guide, google drive with elements, brand variations, etc)
(1) 60 min walk through after project is completed

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