Luxe Branding Package

7-9 Weeks Delivery
Payment Plan Avaliable

Ready to create a beautiful brand that matches your you and your company and resonates with your clients?


Brand Discovery


  • Brand Discovery Exercise
  • Mood Board


Design Process


  • 4 design options for Primary Logo
  • 3 sets of changes for Primary Logo


Branding Deliverables


  • Primary Logo
  • Secondary Logo
  • Brand Mark
  • Final files provided in colour, dark colour option, light colour option as jpgs, png and open files
  • Colour Palettes
  • Brand Manual


Additional Deliverables


  • Font Recommendations
  • Logo cropped for Social Media
  • Instagram Highlight Covers x 10
  • Social Media Launch Post Images x 9
  • Facebook Cover Image
  • Social Media Canva templates
  • Favicon icon for website
  • Business Card Templtes x 5
  • Image based email signature


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